The Problem With Peter

The Problem With Peter


When English speakers co-opt the Matthean expression, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,” they inevitably de-scripturalize them. They twist the words of Jesus as though they refer to an inner psychological struggle or matter of conscience: “I want to do the right thing, but my nature fights against it.” After 400 episodes of the Bible as Literature podcast, do you still need us to spell it out for you? On what basis do you assume that the spirit which opposes Peter’s flesh has anything to do with Peter, let alone your make-believe inner struggle? Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 26:40-42. This week’s episode is presented in loving memory of Saleh Canavati. Episode 400 Matthew 26:40-42; Music: Vision of Persistence by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:
When English speakers co-opt the Matthean expression, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,” they inevitably de-scripturalize them. They twist the words of Jesus as though they refer to an inner psychological struggle or matter of conscience: “I want to do the right thing, but my nature fights against it.” 

After 400 episodes of the Bible as Literature podcast, do you still need us to spell it out for you? On what basis do you assume that the spirit which opposes Peter’s flesh has anything to do with Peter, let alone your make-believe inner struggle? 

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 26:40-42. 

This week’s episode is presented in loving memory of Saleh Canavati. 

Episode 400 Matthew 26:40-42; Music:

Vision of Persistence by Kevin MacLeod
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