The Lord’s Prayer
When Mr. Miyagi, the eighties era fictional Karate master, set out to teach his disciple, he asked him to paint a fence, wax cars, and sand a huge floor using inefficient, repetitive motions that made the work difficult and tedious. Sick of repetition and exhausted, the disciple rebelled against his master. Mr. Miyagi confronted his student with a new lesson, demonstrating that seemingly pointless directives had produced knowledge in his disciple, who, without realizing it, had mastered the basics of self-defense. In similar fashion, the Matthean Jesus demands obedience of his disciples. When they pray, they are to pray in a specific way, using the exact words assigned by their master, day after day, until the difficult and tedious burden of biblical study and repetition produces wisdom in their actions. Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 6:7-15. For those who have not seen the eighties film, The Karate Kid, make sure to watch this youtube clip of the teaching scene: https://youtu.be/Bg21M2zwG9Q. Episode 254 Matthew 6:7-15; Subscribe: http://feedpress.me/the-bible-as-literature; “Send for the Horses” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http:// creativecommons .org/ licenses /by/3.0/When Mr. Miyagi, the eighties era fictional Karate master, set out to teach his disciple, he asked him to paint a fence, wax cars, and sand a huge floor using inefficient, repetitive motions that made the work difficult and tedious. Sick of repetition and exhausted, the disciple rebelled against his master. Mr. Miyagi confronted his student with a new lesson, demonstrating that seemingly pointless directives had produced knowledge in his disciple, who, without realizing it, had mastered the basics of self-defense.
In similar fashion, the Matthean Jesus demands obedience of his disciples. When they pray, they are to pray in a specific way, using the exact words assigned by their master, day after day, until the difficult and tedious burden of biblical study and repetition produces wisdom in their actions.
Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 6:7-15.
For those who have not seen the eighties film, The Karate Kid, make sure to watch this youtube clip of the teaching scene: https://youtu.be/Bg21M2zwG9Q.
Episode 254 Matthew 6:7-15; Subscribe: http://feedpress.me/the-bible-as-literature; “Send for the Horses” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http:// creativecommons .org/ licenses /by/3.0/