Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth


The Lord’s warning in Matthew 10, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword,” (10:34) is often abused as a justification for militarism. In truth, as with so much biblical imagery, this verse exemplifies the Bible’s Ezekielian appropriation of the kingly symbols of power. The sword, the destruction of cities, exile, the decimation of populations by half, violent retribution against wicked leaders, and now, in Matthew 25, the casting out of the imprudent, all point back to the division heralded by Jesus in Matthew 10. Wherever the Torah is preached, the Lord brings division: “one will be taken,” he proclaims, “and one will be left.” (24:40-41) Therefore, Paul warns Timothy: “Study, to present yourself approved to God, as a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 24:1-4. Episode 381 Matthew 25:1-4; Music: Twisted by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4552-twisted License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
The Lord’s warning in Matthew 10, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword,” (10:34) is often abused as a justification for militarism. In truth, as with so much biblical imagery, this verse exemplifies the Bible’s Ezekielian appropriation of the kingly symbols of power. The sword, the destruction of cities, exile, the decimation of populations by half, violent retribution against wicked leaders, and now, in Matthew 25, the casting out of the imprudent, all point back to the division heralded by Jesus in Matthew 10. 

Wherever the Torah is preached, the Lord brings division: “one will be taken,” he proclaims, “and one will be left.” (24:40-41)

Therefore, Paul warns Timothy: 

“Study, to present yourself approved to God, as a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 24:1-4.

Episode 381 Matthew 25:1-4; Music:

Twisted by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4552-twisted
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
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