Neighbors and Relatives

Neighbors and Relatives


When Americans think of a “neighborhood,” the first thing that comes to mind is “value.” What type of homes are in the area? What size? How old? What amenities? What facilities are nearby? Notice that we have taken a term that refers to the generational fellowship of a community of human families and repurposed it to refer to buildings. Without realizing it, you drive past an empty development and refer to it as a new “neighborhood” even though no one has moved in yet. The love of money and the pursuit of happiness have taken us to a world where an empty box with amenities is our reference for “neighbor.” Not so in Luke, where Elizabeth still receives God’s great mercy among neighbors and relatives who rejoice with her, and it has nothing to do with “property” or “value.” Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Luke 1:57-58 Episode 446; Luke 1: 57-58 The following music was used for this media project: Music: Happy Indie Ukulele by WinnieTheMoog Free download: License (CC BY 4.0): Artist website:
When Americans think of a “neighborhood,” the first thing that comes to mind is “value.” What type of homes are in the area? What size? How old? What amenities? What facilities are nearby? Notice that we have taken a term that refers to the generational fellowship of a community of human families and repurposed it to refer to buildings.

Without realizing it, you drive past an empty development and refer to it as a new “neighborhood” even though no one has moved in yet. The love of money and the pursuit of happiness have taken us to a world where an empty box with amenities is our reference for “neighbor.” 

Not so in Luke, where Elizabeth still receives God’s great mercy among neighbors and relatives who rejoice with her, and it has nothing to do with “property” or “value.” 

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Luke 1:57-58
Episode 446; Luke 1: 57-58

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Happy Indie Ukulele by WinnieTheMoog
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):
Artist website:
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