


The Arabic expression *mashallah* which means "what God wills" or "what God desires has happened," may be the best chance English speakers have at unlocking the spirit of Luke's use of the Greek term, *eudokia*. The latter also pertains to the completion of God's will, what God desires by fiat, and his good pleasure in the biblical story, in opposition to the will of Caesar. Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Luke 2:8-14 Episode 460; Luke 2:8-14
The Arabic expression *mashallah* which means "what God wills" or "what God desires has happened," may be the best chance English speakers have at unlocking the spirit of Luke's use of the Greek term, *eudokia*. The latter also pertains to the completion of God's will, what God desires by fiat, and his good pleasure in the biblical story, in opposition to the will of Caesar.

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Luke 2:8-14
Episode 460; Luke 2:8-14
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