In Memory of Fr. Daniel Simon
Whether the soil in the parable of the sower, the earth itself (over which colonials love to impose the illusion of control), the movement of Jesus in Luke (imposed upon by the crowds), or our insistence upon active listening in lieu of a passive hearing, the pattern is evident. We not only imagine that we are something when we are nothing, but we go to great lengths to prove we are something, even if it means driving poor people off a cliff into a genocidal war that will result in nothing except more war.
Do you think there is a difference between your views about whatever it is you think about whatever you say because when you speak, you are for peace, but then whatever you say, you are for war?
I have news for you. It is not good news. It is not bad news. It is just news, plain and simple. Your premise, whoever you are, whatever it is, more than ignorant, is invalid.
Yes, you are wrong. How can you say that, Fr. Marc? Because I read the Bible, and I know exactly what I am. Do you know exactly what you are?
Don’t interrupt. Oh wait, I’m a text. You have no control over me or my premise, which is not your premise. All you can do is ignore me or ridicule me, but you can’t shut me up because I am written. From my perspective, you are nothing more than a pair of ears—and if you have ears, you have no choice but to hear. Which means you are under judgment:
“The priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the Lord. When Jeremiah finished speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak to all the people, the priests and the prophets and all the people seized him, saying, “You must die!”(Jeremiah 26:7–8)
Yep. The thing is, it’s not rocket science. Whether we are talking about Eastern Europe or the Middle East—stop defending your land because it does not belong to you.
We have one Father in the heavens, and his Kingdom rules over all. We human beings (all of us) are his children together with the animals, the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, and the vegetation.
Many in the media have referred to some of us as “human animals.” We are all God's creatures, his animals, the families of the earth—those of us who know what we are sit in a circle each day, holding hands, sharing everything. To paraphrase John Lennon, I hope one day everyone will join us.
Each time you defend yourself, you attack Jeremiah and throw him in the stocks. Brothers and sisters, the God of Scripture does not abandon his prophets. There will be a reckoning.
I know for a fact you can hear me. Whether or not you listen is your problem.
This week’s episode is in loving memory of Fr. Daniel Simon, who was assistant and then head pastor in the refugee church of my youth. Like the towns and villages its founders left behind, this church is erased from the historical record but not forgotten. Likewise, Fr. Daniel’s commitment to the gospel is committed to God’s eternal memory for the sake of the generation yet to come. So we keep our hand to the plow with Fr. Daniel, as commanded by the Lord, who said:
“No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
Richard and I discuss Luke 5:1. (Episode 504)
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Do you think there is a difference between your views about whatever it is you think about whatever you say because when you speak, you are for peace, but then whatever you say, you are for war?
I have news for you. It is not good news. It is not bad news. It is just news, plain and simple. Your premise, whoever you are, whatever it is, more than ignorant, is invalid.
Yes, you are wrong. How can you say that, Fr. Marc? Because I read the Bible, and I know exactly what I am. Do you know exactly what you are?
Don’t interrupt. Oh wait, I’m a text. You have no control over me or my premise, which is not your premise. All you can do is ignore me or ridicule me, but you can’t shut me up because I am written. From my perspective, you are nothing more than a pair of ears—and if you have ears, you have no choice but to hear. Which means you are under judgment:
“The priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the Lord. When Jeremiah finished speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak to all the people, the priests and the prophets and all the people seized him, saying, “You must die!”(Jeremiah 26:7–8)
Yep. The thing is, it’s not rocket science. Whether we are talking about Eastern Europe or the Middle East—stop defending your land because it does not belong to you.
We have one Father in the heavens, and his Kingdom rules over all. We human beings (all of us) are his children together with the animals, the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, and the vegetation.
Many in the media have referred to some of us as “human animals.” We are all God's creatures, his animals, the families of the earth—those of us who know what we are sit in a circle each day, holding hands, sharing everything. To paraphrase John Lennon, I hope one day everyone will join us.
Each time you defend yourself, you attack Jeremiah and throw him in the stocks. Brothers and sisters, the God of Scripture does not abandon his prophets. There will be a reckoning.
I know for a fact you can hear me. Whether or not you listen is your problem.
This week’s episode is in loving memory of Fr. Daniel Simon, who was assistant and then head pastor in the refugee church of my youth. Like the towns and villages its founders left behind, this church is erased from the historical record but not forgotten. Likewise, Fr. Daniel’s commitment to the gospel is committed to God’s eternal memory for the sake of the generation yet to come. So we keep our hand to the plow with Fr. Daniel, as commanded by the Lord, who said:
“No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
Richard and I discuss Luke 5:1. (Episode 504)