God's New Deal

God's New Deal


In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul explains that God’s people are held up as an example of sin, not so that sin is excused or justified, but as a cautionary tale, codified in the story of Scripture, an example to all peoples of how not to behave. The parallel teaching, also found in St. Paul’s exegesis of the Old Testament, is the non-example of Abraham’s trust in God’s commandment. Not in his righteous deeds, ideas, or words about God--Paul points instead specifically to his trust in God’s directive, as the Apostle says, his faith. Abraham trusted, and it was added to him as righteousness. Likewise, Simeon trusted the command of his master and remained faithful to the end, according to the Word of the Lord. By imitating the obedience of Abraham, Simeon was shown to be a true child of the same father, through whom the Torah, not Israel, was lifted up as a light to enlighten the Gentiles. Luke explains that this Light is the true glory of Israel. Much to Mary’s sorrow, it looks nothing like human glory and comes at a high cost. Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Luke 2: 27-32. (Episode 466)
In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul explains that God’s people are held up as an example of sin, not so that sin is excused or justified, but as a cautionary tale, codified in the story of Scripture, an example to all peoples of how not to behave. The parallel teaching, also found in St. Paul’s exegesis of the Old Testament, is the non-example of Abraham’s trust in God’s commandment. Not in his righteous deeds, ideas, or words about God--Paul points instead specifically to his trust in God’s directive, as the Apostle says, his faith. 

Abraham trusted, and it was added to him as righteousness. Likewise, Simeon trusted the command of his master and remained faithful to the end, according to the Word of the Lord. By imitating the obedience of Abraham, Simeon was shown to be a true child of the same father, through whom the Torah, not Israel, was lifted up as a light to enlighten the Gentiles. Luke explains that this Light is the true glory of Israel. Much to Mary’s sorrow, it looks nothing like human glory and comes at a high cost.

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Luke 2: 27-32. (Episode 466)
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